Mrs. Ryan's 6th Grade News


"Surf on in" and See What's Happening at

the 6th Grade 

 B e a c h   H o u s e





6th Grade NEWS

Dear 6th Graders (Correction: 7th Graders!),

Can you believe our time together has come to an end? It seems like just yesterday when we were bringing in our "5 favs" and getting to know one another. I want you to know that I am immensely proud of how hard you have worked this year! You have achieved a lot and have learned more than you probably even realize right now. You should know that you have impressed me greatly! You are a special class, full of many wonderful personalities and gifts. When you work together as a team, you are unstoppable! Remember that next year, as you continue your school journey together in junior high. When you learn to appreciate the value in one another, you better yourself and the whole team! I am fully confident that each of you will have a successful future ahead so long as you continue to work hard and submit to the Lord in all things! God's plan for your life is exactly right for your life. No other plan is as perfect. So honor him, do your best, and have a blast along the way! I can't wait to see you all again in September! Don't ever forget that you are truly amazing and truly loved, and you always have a friend in me forever. I will be praying for you as the Lord leads me. Stop by "The Beach House" anytime you want to talk or just say "Hi!" My door is, and will always be, open!

Love Always, Mrs. Ryan

Upcoming Events

"Lion King Day"- Monday, June 18th *Wear your uniform, but bring your Lion King costume!

6th Grade Auction- Tuesday, June 19th

End of the Year Graduation Luau- Wednesday June 20th *Don't forget to bring a food item to contribute to the party!

GRADUATION- Thursday, June 21st *Wear you "Sunday Best" underneath your cap and gown! No school uniforms required!

Important Reminders

EXTRA HELP, with Mrs. Ryan, will be offered Fridays after school, from 3 to 4. If you feel as though you need a little bit of extra help in a particular subject, you can stay an extra hour after school on Fridays. Just make sure you have a ride home promptly at 4PM!

As this Summer's weather can't seem to make up it's mind, please make sure you check your student handbooks for proper uniform dress code. **REMEMBER: Don't forget your tie! Do a tie check each morning, while you eat your breakfast! Boys: You need to wear a belt everyday! Girls: Those gorgeous hair accessories can only be black or navy blue! ;O)

Agendas must be signed EVERY night, by a parent, in order for all of that fabulously impressive homework you did to count! Also, too many missing signatures = an after school detention, so be warned! Please remind mom or dad to sign your agenda. This is your responsibility, as a professional 6th grader, not your parents'.


There is a Class Need for...

Plates, Napkins

Thank you!! Thank you!! -to those parents who have been sending in these supplies!  We really do use them all, so thank you! Our class greatly appreciates it! God Bless You! :)