Study Tips to Succeed in 6th Grade

Want to learn the ins and outs of getting straight A's in 6th grade? Wish you knew Mrs. Ryan's secrets for making exams and projects? Well, now you can! Just keep reading, and follow the guide below!

Mrs. Ryan's 6th Grade Success Guide

part 1: Weekly Spelling and Bible Exams

"Space out your Studying"

-You can't save all of your reviewing of words, definitions and verses for one night because it is just too much! You need to begin memorization Monday night. Work on the words, definitions, and verses until you feel that you have memorized at least 50% of them on Monday night alone. Then, each consecutive night, review them, without skipping any nights. On Wednesday night, quiz yourself, by spelling the words, saying the definitions, reciting the verses, without looking. On Thursday night ask a family member to quiz you the same way. Do not stop studying until you can spell each word, recite each definition, and recite each verse without looking! By the time Friday arrives, you will be well prepared!

part 2: Math Exams

"Every Day Counts!"

-Math is not a 'study the night before the exam' type of subject. It is a subject that you must build on what you understand each day. The key to being successful in math is understanding what is taught each day. It is vitally important that you leave school, at the end of the day, understanding the math concept that was taught, so that you can practice it for homework. When you do not understand something, you neeeeeeeeeeeeeed to ask, right away! Math is a subject in which you cannot wait to ask questions! Raise your hand immediately and get the question answered! If you do, you will be able to complete your HW with understanding, and return to class the next day ready to understand the next lesson. If you have daily success with each lesson, you will have great success when the exam comes at the end of the chapter!

part 3: Social Studies and Science Exams

"Study Guides Rock"

-In both Social Studies and Science, it is important that you are paying attention to class discussions! Everything Mrs. Ryan has to say is important, and could appear on your exam! Also, at the end of every chapter in both of these subjects, there is a "Chapter Checkup." Think of these chapter checkups as study guides! Mrs. Ryan uses a lot of the information from the chapter checkups in making her exams because they focus in on the key information in each chapter. If you pay attention to class discussions and study the information found in the chapter checkups, you will be set for any Social Studies or Science exam that comes your way this year!

part 4: Grammar Exams

"Read the Directions"

-In every grammar lesson, there is a big blue box, that describes the part of speech we will be learning that day. It is of key importance to pay attention when what is in that box is being read and talked about in class. And, if you forget, go back to the big blue box and read it again! The nice thing about these boxes is they are permanently written in your book, which saves us the trouble of taking notes, however you should not take them for granted! Read them, read them, read them, and if you don't understand, read them again! Like math, it is important to ask any questions you may have regarding grammar on a daily basis, and not wait until the day before the exam.

part 5: Writing Papers

"Rubrics are Your Friends"

-At the beginning of every writing chapter, in the ELA book, is a rubric. A rubric is like a guide to getting 100%. It is a piece of paper that tells you exactly what you need to do in order to make your piece of writing excellent. Whenever you have a piece of writing to complete this year, keep that rubric handy. Read it before you being writing, re-read it each time you need to write another draft. And read it one final time, before you hand your final copy in, to be graded. The rubric will remind you of some things you may have forgotten, and earn you some extra points!